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Interlibrary Loan

Due Dates

As with any material a borrower checks out from Falcone Library, you are responsible for keeping track of the due date and returning ILL material on time.  Each ILL item comes with a book strap on the front that includes its due date.  Please do not remove the book strap.


Falcone Library does not directly charge overdue fees on ILL material but will pass on to the borrower any fees assessed by the lending library.

Lost or Damaged

In the event of gross overdues and lost or damaged books, we will attach replacement fines and processing fees to the borrower's library account.  In most cases, these are high enough to block borrowing privileges until the material is returned. 

We ask that the borrower consider that failure to return ILL material jeopardizes Falcone Library's borrowing relationship with other institutions and can lead to a loss of borrowing privileges with certain lenders.  In such cases, the borrowing community in general is affected by limiting the library's borrowing options.

Recalls & Restrictions

Items borrowed through ILL are subject to recall by the lending library at any time.

We are bound by any restrictions that may be put on a loan such as "In Library Use Only" and the borrower must respect such restrictions.

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