General Citation Information
Consulting the ideas of others is at the heart of learning and scholarship. Citing them is a critical part of academic honesty. Regardless of the format and type of work, be it cartoons, artwork, prose, poetry, photography, statistical data, or website, give attribution to the creator/author and cite the source.
There are many ways to cite sources. Citation style usually depends on the academic discipline involved. For example: APA style is often used by Business, Education and Psychology.
Instructor requirements differ. Carefully follow your instructor's directions and remember to be consistent.
For more information, please visit the Citing Sources Guide.
Resources for APA Citation Style
- Academic Writer (APA) This link opens in a new windowAcademic Writer supports students who have questions about how to conduct research, structure their papers, and format what they write using the APA Publication Manual
- APA Style: Manual of the American Psychological AssociationBook located in the Library
- Guide to APA StylePurdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)
Elements of a Reference List Citation (APA)
The following video provides an overview of the basic elements of a APA formatted reference list citation. It also provides a brief overview of in text citations.