Citation Management
What is a citation manager?
A citation manager, also referred to as a reference manager or bibliographic manager, is software that allows researchers to save, store, and manage bibliographic citations, and then generate bibliographies in most of the major citation styles.
What citation management software does the Library recommend?
For information on citation management software recommended by the Library, please see our page on Citation Management Software.
Why should I use a citation manager?
Citation managers have a lot of uses/benefits, including:
- Streamline the process of creating accurate citations and references
- Locate all your research in one convenient location
- Easily export citations from many of the library databases
- Upload and store full-text PDFs and other file types for your sources
- Create reference lists in a 'click'
- Install plug-ins for word processors that allow you to insert citations from the reference manager as you write
- Share collections with colleagues to collaborate in private or open groups
- Facilitate the removal of duplicate citations