Evidence Based Practice online tutorials
- Duke and UNC online EBP tutorialCreative Commons Copyright: CC BY NC SA
© 2019 Duke University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This is an open-access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike license. - British Medical Journal: Learn EBMThe articles on this page are intended to introduce the key methods of EBM such as clarifying a clinical question, designing a search and appraising, synthesizing and assessing the quality of the evidence.
Evidence Based Medicine eBook
- Evidence-Based Clinical Reasoning in Medicine by Medicine is still largely taught as an apprenticeship. Not until recently have medical students and physicians been taught to critically examine the evidence base behind medical management decisions. This book is perfect for students, not only because it will help them care for patients during their medicine subinternship rotation, but also because it will provide a valuable resource as they prepare for their end-of-rotation NBME shelf examination.The standard of care is constantly evolving, and the pace of its progress is increasing. A busy clinician has difficulty keeping up with the literature as it reports on the results of clinical trials and current "expert consensus."Evidence-Based Clinical Reasoning in Medicinedissects many of the most controversial medical issues and landmark clinical trials that have and will continue to influence the practice of medicine."Call Number: EbookISBN: 9781607952527Publication Date: 2012-10-01
Evidence Based point of care tools
- DynaMed Plus This link opens in a new windowLook for clinical practice guidelines in the left navigation for evidence based treatment recommendations!
How to install Dynamed plus
- DynaMed Plus This link opens in a new windowUse to find evidence-based information for health care professionals to support clinical decision-making. Contains full-text peer-reviewed clinically-organized disease summaries, drug information and links to full-text journal articles.
How to install the DynaMed Plus mobile app:
1. Navigate to DynaMed Plus from the link here or above (or from the Le Moyne Library Databases page).
2. Please create your personal account while on the Le Moyne campus so that you are recognized as affiliated with Le Moyne.
3. Create your personal DynaMed / "MyEBSCO" account by clicking the white circle icon in upper right of DynaMed screen.
4. Click Account Settings, then Sign Up to complete the form and create your DynaMed / "MyEBSCO" personal account user name and password.
5. Click the word Mobile from the bottom of the DynaMed home screen.
6. Install the appropriate DynaMed Mobile app for your device.
7. Log in with your personal DynaMed / "MyEBSCO" personal account user name and password you just created, NOT your Le Moyne Library credentials.
8. Choose the amount you would like to download directly to your device depending on your storage space:
- If you have reliable Internet access, you may want to choose Online Only and NOT download all of the content to be stored on your device.
- If you have plenty of storage and unreliable Internet access, you may consider the other installation options, like Partial.
Remember, while the app will indicate you are affiliated with Le Moyne, your LOGIN for the DynaMed app is the Personal Account user name and password you created for your account!