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NSG 615: Advanced Research

This guide will provide resources for your NSG 615 research project.

Welcome to the NSG 615 Course Guide

Welcome! This guide will provide resources you will need to complete your research project.

Virginia Young is the Librarian for Health Sciences, and is happy to assist you with any questions!

Note: Your textbooks are on Reserve at the Library and Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy is also available as an eBook via the link below.

Literature Review eBook

Where should I start? Spotlight on PubMed

PubMed is a great database to begin your searches. 

  • Be sure to use the Le Moyne PubMed link so that you can connect to full text articles from your search results!
  • Create a free myNCBI account to save your search strategies and preferred results.

The short tutorials below are a great way to learn PubMed basics!

Subject Headings for your Search

Subject headings are different than keywords.

  • Searching for keywords finds the letters that you type on a page within the database or search engine without regard to meaning. They're helpful but you only find articles using those keywords somewhere. If another author uses a different word for the same thing, you'll miss that article (example-overweight or obese). 
  • Subject headings are created by the database in which they are used or adapted from MESH for medical literature. For a complete listing of Mesh subject headings and trees, use PubMed, Cochrane  or the link above. Using subject headings finds articles that keyword searching might miss.
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