Jacqueline Belfort-Chalat
Guitarist, 1978
Oil Painting on Linen
Loaned by Artist in 1981
Rolland Woods Jr.
Liberian Market Place, 1972
Ink Print
Gift of The Consortium Education Program, 1982
Juan Cruz
Martin Luther King, 1977
Oil Painting on Canvas
Purchased from Artist in 1977
John Varcratsis
Ode to a Drum, 1971
2 Linoleum Print
Purchased from Artist in 1971
Linda Abbey
Palm Sunday in St. Mark's Square
Water Color Painting
Gift of Artist, 2015
Dina Cimbalist Stern
Portrait of a Young Girl, 1930
Charcoal Drawing
Gift of Artist, 1972
Robert Marx
Requiem [Edna St. Vincent Milay], 1968
Gift of Isdore Greenberg, 1969
Requiem [Emily Dickinson], 1968
Requiem [John Steinbeck], 1968
Charles Wollowitz
Bless the Ladies, 1978
Gift of Artist, 1987
Homecoming, 1978
Peace with Honor, 1970
Purchased from Artist in 1970
The Romance of Illusions, 1978
Purchased from Artist in 1979
Henry Edminston
The Aesthetic
Oil Painting on Bristol Board
Joseph T. Dolce
The Woodcutter, 1972
Woodcut Print
Rian Powell
Marc Chagall
Sarah and the Angels
Purchased from Muggleton Gallery in 1970
Joseph Gaeb
The Angelus, 1946
Gordon F. Muck
Woman With Anemones, 1968
Ink Wash
Olga Obolonsky
Portrait of Dr. Taisto J. Niemi
Commissioned by College
C.T. Maciulewicz
A Light in the Forest
Acrylic Painting
Gift of The Central New York Chapter Public Relations Society of America, 1989
Ruby Wang
Watercolor Painting
Purchased from Artist in 1974
Leonard Baskin
Wood Engraving
Purchased from Roten Gallery in 1976
John Hock
These Waves, 1984
Oil Painting
Gifted of Artist,1984
Artist Unknown
[Oriental Design #1]
Ink Wash on Rice Paper
Gift of Taisto Niemi, 1987
[Oriental Design #2]