Specialized sites
- The Future of Nursing: 2020-2030The National Academy of Medicine Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 will explore how nurses can work to reduce health disparities and promote equity, while keeping costs at bay, utilizing technology, and maintaining patient and family-focused care into 2030.
- Women’s Health Care Policy - Reports, Public OpinionInformation on women's access to care, coverage and reproductive health
Books on Health Care Policy
Essentials of Health Policy and Law by Essentials of Health Policy and Law, Fifth Edition provides students of public health, medicine, nursing, public policy, and health administration with an introduction to a broad range of seminal issues in U.S. health policy and law, analytic frameworks for studying these complex issues, and an understanding of the ways in which health policies and laws are formulated, implemented, and applied. Thoroughly revised, the Fifth Edition explores the key health policy and legal changes brought about by the Biden Administration and the presently Democrat-controlled Congress. It also addresses the Covid-19 pandemic, and its many devastating and intertwined health, economic, and social consequences.KEY FEATURES:- New chapters provide an overview of Public Health and explain emergency preparedness.- Updated figures, tables, statistics, and discussion questions- New textbox icons identify discussion questions, special topics and, technical spotlights to help faculty pick and choose the appropriate content- New concluding chapter on Health Advocacy teaches readers the art and skill of advocacy.- Interactive timeline fully updated and incorporated into the eBook
Call Number: Reserves: Textbook WA 33 AA1 W676e 2023ISBN: 9781284247459Publication Date: 2022-04-08Health Care Finance, Economics, and Policy for Nurses by The complexities of health care finance, economics, and policy today are inextricably intertwined with traditional nursing practice. This undergraduate nursing text distills these challenging topics into an engaging, easy-to-read format that facilitates ready application to any practice setting. Written specifically for RN to BSN and second-degree nursing programs, the book is the only such text grounded in nurses' own understanding and experience. Concise and practical, it supports foundational concepts with real-life case studies and clinical applications and reinforces information with interactive quizzes and multimedia materials. The book's content fulfills one of the AACN's key Essentials of Baccalaureate Education. Written by a health economics and policy expert, former dean, and award-winning teacher, the text synthesizes the vast scope of health economics to create an easily understandable guide for nursing action from bedside to boardroom. The text describes the relationship between nursing and health care economics and traces the history of our health care system from the early 1900s through today. It contrasts the economics of health care with that of classic free markets and discusses the intersection of ethics and economics, providing nurses with the ethical tools to thoughtfully consider dilemmas arising from today's focus on the bottom line. The book describes how to use economic principles to shape organizations and public policy and includes a step-by-step, skillbuilding guide to enhancing professional influence through participation on governing boards. Complex financial principles are broken down to facilitate understanding for nurses with no prior knowledge of this discipline. The book also includes relevant information on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and is compatible with online teaching and coursework. Faculty resources include PowerPoint slides, a test bank, comprehensive review questions, and sample syllabi. KEY FEATURES: Fulfills one of the key Essentials of Baccalaureate Education Addresses the specific needs of RN to BSN courses with a concise, easy-to-read format Illuminates complex principles with specific, engaging case examples relevant to nursing practice Authored by a leading nurse expert, health policy leader, former dean, and award-winning teacher Guides readers in using economic principles to shape organizations and public policy
Call Number: eBookISBN: 9780826123220Publication Date: 2015-03-01Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing by There are many policy books, but none are written by APRNs or focus just on APRN practice. This topic is critical in today's healthcare reform movement. APRNs are at the core, or can be, if they use their practice knowledge and education to shape policy... The] editors eloquently make the case that policy formation is a critical nursing skill."--Doody's Medical Reviews "Gaining a better understanding of the political landscape and its impact on nursing and the APRN practice environment, by learning through textbooks such as this, and then through active involvement at any level in the political process itself, can only strengthen nursing and its influence on health policy ." -Loretta C. Ford, RN, EdD, PNP, FAAN, FAANP From the Foreword This view of health policy from the perspective of APRN practice is a call to action for advanced practice nurses to learn about the impact and implications of current initiatives in health policy. This knowledge will assist them in determining how they define and create positive change for their patients and have an impact on community, national, and world health. This is the only text that satisfies the need for policy discussions for all APNs, it is designed to meet the requirements of both the IOM report on The Future of Nursing and the DNP criteria V for inclusion of health policy and advocacy in the curriculum. The text encompasses evolving health care policy and reform in the U.S., Canada, and internationally, addressing its impact on advanced practice nursing, APRN roles, care for special populations, health care quality, and patient safety . The book brings together a wealth of information written by luminaries in the field. Dr. Goudreau is a Past President, and Board Member of the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists (NACNS), and Dr. Smolenski was Director of Certification Services at the ANCC for 11 years, directing certification for 150,000 nurses in over 30 specialties. The text discusses issues surrounding the regulation of APRNs, how the local regulatory environment shapes their practice and how they can shape their local regulatory environment. Additionally, the text brings in international perspectives on how APRNs can and are impacting patient care globally. In order to provide content relevant to a universal APRN readership, each section of the text endeavors to present information from all four APRN perspectives: NPs, CNSs, CRNAs, and CNMs. For all of these roles, the book covers the implications of current and future health policy changes for APRN practice. Key Features: Addresses the role-specific policy informational needs of all APRN roles including NPs, CNSs, CRNAs, and CNMs Brings together in one volume all of the requisite information about health care policy and reform and its impact on advanced practice nursing Meets the requirements of the IOM report on The Future of Nursing and the DNP criteria V for inclusion of health policy and advocacy in the curriculum Offers guidance on how APRNs can influence policy development Covers impact and implications of health care policy and reform in the U.S., Canada, and internationally
Call Number: eBookISBN: 9780826169426Publication Date: 2013-12-11Nurses Making Policy by
Call Number: WY 16 AA1 N974 2015ISBN: 9780826198921Publication Date: 2014-11-20Reforming Health Care on the Front Line in the United States and the United Kingdom by There is constant pressure on hospitals to improve health care delivery and increase cost effectiveness. New initiatives are the order of the day in the dramatically different health care systems of the United States and Great Britain. Often, as we know all too well, these efforts are not successful. In The Challenge to Change, Rebecca Kolins Givan analyzes the successes and failures of efforts to improve hospitals and explains what factors make it likely that the implementation of reforms will be rewarded by positive transformation in a particular institution's day-to-day operation. Givan's in-depth qualitative case studies of both top-down initiatives and changes first suggested by staff on the front lines of care point clearly to the importance of all hospital workers in effecting change and even influencing national policy.Givan illuminates the critical role of workers, managers, and unions in enabling or constraining changes in policies and procedures and ensuring their implementation. Givan spotlights an Anglo-American model of hospital care and work organization, even while these countries retain their differences in access and payment. Entrenched professional roles, hierarchical workplace organization, and the sometimes-detached view of policymakers all shape the prospects for change in hospitals. Givan provides important examples of how the dedication and imagination of the people who work in hospitals can make all the difference when it comes to providing quality health care even in a challenging economic environment.
Call Number: WA540.AA1 G539c 2016ISBN: 9780801450051Publication Date: 2016-09-20Understanding Health Policy: a Clinical Approach, Ninth Edition by The simplest, most-readable guide to navigating health care delivery in the United States One of the most popular resources of its kind, Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach provides everything you need to master the U.S. health care system's nuances and complexities. Written by practicing primary care physicians who are experts in health care policy, this comprehensive guide covers the entire scope of the U.S. health care system and draws on lessons from systems in other nations. New content in this fully updated edition includes deeper coverage of: * Cost and financing issues, with an emphasis on how it impacts the U.S. economy * Public health systems, including a discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on health policy and delivery * Social determinants of health and disparities * Professional burnout and its impact on health care delivery * The Affordable Care Act, Accountable Care Organizations, and system consolidation Packed with clinical vignettes highlighting key policy issues and clarifying difficult concepts, Understanding Health Policy weaves key principles, descriptions, and concrete examples into chapters that make vital health policy issues interesting and understandable. Whether you're a student, medical practitioner, or public policy professional, you will come away with a clearer, more systematic way of thinking about our health care system, its biggest challenges, and the most effective ways of making it better for everyone.
Call Number: eBook Access MedicineISBN: 9781265905026Publication Date: 2023-12-05
Legal Resources
- Global Health and Human Rights DatabaseReleased in October 2013, this database brings together judgments, constitutions, and legal conventions relating to human rights and health care.