Citing Your Sources in BIO 218
Students are encouraged to look at citation examples in their pre-lab in order to see how to correctly complete in-text citations and a reference page.
Alternatively, students can use this book from the library's reference collection.
Short Guide to Writing about Biology by
Call Number: Ref Desk QH304 .P43 2013ISBN: 9780205075072Publication Date: 2020-08-03
Example Journal Article Citations for BIO 218
Journal Article from a journal that is published in print (even if you are reading the article online):
Author Last name, Author First and middle initial(s). Year. Title of article. Journal Title Volume (issue): pages.
Wilmers, C.C., Crabtree, R.L., Smith, D., Murphy, K.M., Getz, W.M. 2003. Trophic facilitation by introduced top predators: gray wolf subsidies to scavengers in Yellowstone National Park. Journal of Animal Ecology 72(3): 909-916.
Journal Article from a journal published online only:
Author last name, Author first and middle initial(s). Year. Title of article. Journal Title Volume (issue): pages. Available from: URL (or DOI: )
Parundekar, A., Kalantre, G., Khadpekar, A., Viswanathan, G.A. 2019. Operating regimes in a single enzymatic cascade at ensemble-level. PLoS One 14(8):e0220243. doi: 10.1371/journal.poine.0220243.
Parundekar, A., Kalantre, G., Khadpekar, A., Viswanathan, G.A. 2019. Operating regimes in a single enzymatic cascade at ensemble-level. PLoS One 14(8):e0220243. Available from
Citing Your Lab Manual
Here is how the citation for your BIO 218 lab manual should look in your lab report:
Mitchell, B. 2021. Cell and molecular biology lab manual. Le Moyne College, NY.