Where should I start? Spotlight on PubMed
PubMed is a great database to begin your searches.
- Be sure to use the Le Moyne PubMed link so that you can connect to full text articles from your search results!
- Create a free myNCBI account to save your search strategies and preferred results.
The short tutorials below are a great way to learn PubMed basics!
Best Bets for Research Articles
- CINAHL with Full Text This link opens in a new windowUse to find scholarly articles in nursing and allied health fields, including topics of medicine, alternative therapies, consumer health, nursing standards, and research instruments. Contains full-text articles and books, abstracts and citations, nursing dissertations, conference proceedings, standards of practice, quick lessons, video and audio and full-text of Evidence-Based Care Sheets. Includes a Subject Heading feature, which allows students to identify proper subject headings and keywords to locate relevant articles.
- PubMed This link opens in a new windowFree and accessible version of MedLine from the National Library of Medicine. Includes: over 4000 medical and biomedical journals in the U.S. and other countries. See the "Spotlight on PubMed" box below!
- Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database This link opens in a new windowUse to find evidence-based information and guidance for health professionals to inform decisions made at the point of care. Contains best practice information sheets, evidence summaries, recommended practices, systematic review protocols, and systemic reviews. Sourced from JBI (formerly the Joanna Briggs Institute).
- Cochrane Library This link opens in a new window-collection of evidence-based medicine databases
-systematic Reviews available from 1990- present, records available from 1960-present; updated quarterly
-regularly updated collection of evidence-based medicine databases - Scopus This link opens in a new windowUse to find what is happening in research throughout the world in the fields of science, technology, social sciences, medicine and arts and humanities. Contains abstracts and citations from peer-reviewed journals, books and conference proceedings. Must use links to access full-text.
How do I conduct a Literature Review?
Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy by
ISBN: 9781284211290Publication Date: 2020-12-01Available in print or as an ebook!
Measurement Tools
- Health and Psychosocial Instruments : HaPI This link opens in a new windowUse to find resources about behavioral measurement tools and instruments which are used across professions and disciplines, including nursing, public health, psychology, social work, communication, sociology, and organizational behavior or human resources. They can be used to help researchers, students, and clinicians locate questionnaires, interviews, and other tests most relevant to their investigations, theses, dissertations, and grant proposals. Contains indexes of peer-reviewed scholarly journals, books, technical reports, and test publishers' catalogs.