Where to Find Scholarly Articles for Your Assignment
- JSTORUse this database to search through scholarly journal articles in the humanities, social sciences & natural sciences. Most of these articles are available in full text.
- Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new windowThis is one of the most general databases that our library subscribes to. It includes full text articles across many different subject areas.
You will definitely want to apply the limit for scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. - ProQuest Central This link opens in a new windowProQuest Central is a multi-disciplinary, full text database that provides articles across all major subject areas.
You will want to apply the limit for Scholarly articles here as well. - SocINDEX with full text This link opens in a new windowSocIndex is a full text database, and includes articles on topics like sociology, anthropology, and criminology.
- ScienceDirectYou can search through scholarly journal articles in the field of science & social science using this database. Most of these articles are available in full text.