Finding Articles: Best Bets
- ABI/INFORM Complete This link opens in a new windowUse to find extensive information on the topic of business. Contains full-text academic articles, dissertations, working papers, industry reports, case studies, and market information.
- Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new windowUse to find scholarly and popular articles in nearly every area of academic study. It is a great place to start your research on a topic and it’s also great for interdisciplinary research. Contains full-text articles and abstracts from peer-reviewed journals, magazines, reports, books, videos and images.
- Business Source Premier This link opens in a new windowUse to find information on all areas of business, including topics such as management, economics, finance, accounting, and international business. Contains full-text scholarly articles, books, news industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analysis, working papers, and more.
- Google Scholar This link opens in a new windowUse to find interdisciplinary articles from academic publishers, professional societies, institutional and preprint repositories posted on the web. Use the "Find @ Le Moyne Library" links in the search results as well as other links provided by the search engine to locate the full-text of articles. Contains full-text and abstracts of scholarly articles.
How to Use - JSTOR. Archival Journals This link opens in a new windowUse to find scholarly journal collections from leading academic journals from disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics and sciences. Contains full-text articles and abstracts from leading academic journals, eBooks and primary sources. Use JSTOR to find historical information rather than current articles.
- OmniFile Full Text Select This link opens in a new windowUse to find research publications across many disciplines, including art, education, humanities and technology. Contains full-text academic articles as well as graphical content, podcasts, foreign language article translations and article read-alouds.
- ProQuest Central. Research Library This link opens in a new windowUse to find multidisciplinary resources covering over 150 topics, and is ideal for interdisciplinary research. Contains abstracts and full-text articles from scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, books, reports, websites, podcasts and newspapers.
- Regional Business News This link opens in a new windowUse to find regional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces. Contains full-text newspapers, magazines, radio and television news transcripts and newswires dating back to 1990.
Finding Articles: Other General Databases That May Help
- Project Muse This link opens in a new windowUse to find scholarly articles, and e-books for the humanities and social sciences. Contains full-text scholarly articles and e-books.
- PsycINFO This link opens in a new windowUse to find peer-reviewed literature in the behavioral sciences,mental health and related disciplines. Contains citations, abstracts and full-text scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, reports, and dissertations. Sourced from the American Psychological Association (APA).