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Citing Sources

Find the citation style that you need to use from the list below - there are resources for each style to assist you.

Not sure which citation style you need to use? Check your syllabus and/or your research assignment!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask a librarian or consult the Writing Center.

ACS - American Chemical Society

AIP - American Institute of Physics

This is a common citation style used in the field of Physics.

AMA - American Medical Association

AMA - American Medical Association

Used in medicine

APA - American Psychological Association

APA - American Psychological Association

Generally used in psychology, education, nursing, occupational therapy, and the social sciences

APS - American Physical Society

This is a common citation style used in the field of Physics.

ASA - American Sociological Association

Biology Style Guides

Writing required by courses in the life sciences follows styles described in the following two books. You can view this Guide to Citing Sources - Biology for more details and examples of citations.

Other options might be the APA Style Guide or CSE Style Guide but check with your professor to be sure.

CSE - Council of Science Editors

CSE - Council of Science Editors

Used in the sciences, especially the biological and life sciences.

A Handbook For Historians

A Handbook For Historians

MLA - Modern Language Association

MLA - Modern Language Association

Generally used in the humanities disciplines of languages, literatures, and the arts.

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