3-Digit Lock hints
Here is the transcript of what you would hear if you called the phone number on the overview document attached to the Winter Solstice Break-In Box.
"Thanks for checking out our Winter Solstice Break-in Box. We hope you enjoy solving the puzzles so you can "break-in" to the box. Once you open the box there are Winter Solstice activities and information about the holiday to explore. To open the 4 digit letter lock you need to solve puzzles 1 through 3 and follow the directions labelled FINAL STEP. For the 3-digit lock you need to do some research to figure out the exact time in common universal time (UTC) the Winter Solstice will take place this year. If you need hints, scan the hint QR code on the box. Good luck and Happy Yule!
The time of the 2024 Winter Solstice is 9:21 UTC time. Convert this time to Eastern time and you will have the information you need for the 3-digit lock.
Visit this website for the answer: When does winter start?
4-Digit Lock Puzzles
The 4 digit letter lock can be opened by figuring out the answers to puzzles 1 through 3. If you get stuck you can click the puzzle hint links below for tips on how to find the answer to the puzzle. Once you have all the puzzle answers you will use them to complete this final step. How to open 4-digit lock. Spell a word with winter solstice significance from the letters you collected solving all the puzzles.
_____ _____ _____ _____
Then put them in the order described below.
Puzzle 1 Letter |
Puzzle 2 (third to last letter answer) | Puzzle 3 letter | Puzzle 2 (last letter answer) |
This Wikipedia entry will provide the answer.
Enter 51.1789° N, 1.8262° W into Google Maps. Find the first town to the right of this location that starts with an "A".
Still not sure of the answer? Visit this site for the answer.
You are looking for this item in the I SPY Winter puzzle.
Once you figure out the body part that the star on this item would touch if you were wearing it, flip the puzzle over to complete part 2.
Still stuck? Visit this page. The first type of stone described on this page provides the answer to this puzzle.