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EDG 695: Graduate Research Seminar

This guide was created for students enrolled in EDG 695.

Finding Foreign Research Studies

The education databases have subject headings and limiters you can use to limit your search results to research conducting outside the United States. Here are two strategies you can try.

  1. In the ERIC & Education Full Text databases there is a subject heading "Foreign Countries". . If you add this to your search string it will limit your results to research conducted outside the United States. To search this subject heading go to advance search type foreign countries in to a search box and pick subject or descriptor from the pull-down menu next to the search box. (Figure 1)
  2. In these same databases there is a limiter labelled "Geography". You can pick specific countries/regions from this list to limit your results to research conducting in one or more specific countries or regions. You will see this limiter option on your results page. (Figure 2)

Figure 1

Figure 2

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