- Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new window Use to find scholarly and popular articles in nearly every area of academic study. It is a great place to start your research on a topic and it’s also great for interdisciplinary research. Contains full-text articles and abstracts from peer-reviewed journals, magazines, reports, books, videos and images.
- Access World News This link opens in a new windowUse to find US and international news sources. Contains full-text newspapers and news sources from across the US and the world, including the Syracuse Post-Standard.
- Essay & General Literature Index. 1985- This link opens in a new window Use to find essays and miscellaneous works from anthologies and collections from the U.S., Canada, and Great Britain. Contains citations for essays, and other works published between 1985-present.
- Essay & General Literature Index Retrospective. 1900-1984 This link opens in a new window Use to find essays and miscellaneous works from anthologies and collections from the U.S., Canada, and Great Britain. Contains citations for essays, and other works published between 1900 and 1984.
- JSTOR. Archival Journals This link opens in a new windowUse to find scholarly journal collections from leading academic journals from disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics and sciences. Contains full-text articles and abstracts from leading academic journals, eBooks and primary sources. Use JSTOR to find historical information rather than current articles.
- MLA International Bibliography with Full Text This link opens in a new window Use to find information on language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric, writing studies, folklore, film, theater, and other dramatic arts. Contains bibliographical citations and some full-text journal articles, books, dissertations, working papers, essay collections, scholarly websites etc.