- Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new windowUse to find scholarly and popular articles in nearly every area of academic study. It is a great place to start your research on a topic and it’s also great for interdisciplinary research. Contains full-text articles and abstracts from peer-reviewed journals, magazines, reports, books, videos and images.
- Archives of American Art This link opens in a new window Includes: images, sketches, scrapbooks, diaries, letters, and oral histories from the collections of Smithsonian Institution, Archives of American Art.
- Essay & General Literature Index. 1985- This link opens in a new windowUse to find essays and miscellaneous works from anthologies and collections from the U.S., Canada, and Great Britain. Contains citations for essays, and other works published between 1985-present.
- JSTOR. Archival Journals This link opens in a new windowUse to find scholarly journal collections from leading academic journals from disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics and sciences. Contains full-text articles and abstracts from leading academic journals, eBooks and primary sources. Use JSTOR to find historical information rather than current articles.