Recommended Primary Sources on the web
Below is a list of reputable web sites that contain primary sources from Ancient Civilizations. These websites can be difficult to search, but with patience and the use of good keywords you may find something useful. If you need help, use our AskUs reference services, or contact the subject specialist.
- Ancient Greek and Roman textsThe Theoi Classical E-Texts Library is a collection of works from ancient Greek and Roman literature in translation. Good for Sparta, Athens, Olympics. There is a search box at the top.
- Avalon Project - Primary documents in law, history and diplomacyEnter keywords in the search box at the top right. Documents are arranged by time period.
- Euro Docs - History of Prehistoric and Ancient EuropeA search in the box on the left for your keywords will give a list of pages where that term appears. Click on one of the links, and then do a ctrl-F and enter your keyword again to get to the right entry on the page.
- EyeWitness To The Ancient WorldThis website has primary sources along with some explanatory notes. Primary sources appear in RED. Be sure to scroll to the bottom to look at the citation for the primary source. There is a search box at the top right where you can search keywords for your topic.
- Internet Ancient History SourceBookSources are arranged according to region or theme, eg. Egypt, or Human Origins. Scroll down the column on the left to see if your topic is covered. Try a Ctrl-F and enter a key term to see if it is mentioned on the site.
- Internet Classics Archive441 works of classical literature by 59 different authors, including user-driven commentary and "reader's choice" Web sites. Mainly Greco-Roman works (some Chinese and Persian), all in English translation.
- Perseus Digital LibraryThis site contains primary and secondary sources organized by theme/time period). Search at the top right by keywords. When you see a blue triangle, click on it to open list of sources.