General Citation Information
Consulting the ideas of others is at the heart of learning and scholarship. Citing them is a critical part of academic honesty. Regardless of the format and type of work, be it cartoons, artwork, prose, poetry, photography, statistical data, or website, give attribution to the creator/author and cite the source.
The citation style usually depends on the academic discipline involved so please consult with your instructor.
For more information, please visit the Citing Sources Guide.
ASA - American Sociological Association
ASA - American Sociological Association
Used in Sociology
- American Sociological Association Style Guide byThis item is available at the Library Services Desk.
- ASA Paper Template (UNOFFICIAL)This helpful template was created by the University of LaVerne to provide an example of what a paper formatted in ASA style would look like. This is not an official template provided by the ASA. Please always defer to your instructor's requirements.
APA - American Psychological Association
APA - American Psychological Association
Generally used in psychology, education, nursing, occupational therapy, and the social sciences
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition
This title is available at the Library Services Desk.Concise Guide to APA Style by
This title is available at the Library Services Desk.
- APA Style : Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)Quick Tip: Many databases have the capability to generate citations for you. Look for icons with the terms "cite" or "citation" next to them, but always be sure to review the citation as these are not always accurate.
- Zbib (Zoterobib) citation generatorZoterobib will format your citation in APA style with a unique article ID or the title. Be sure to select American Psychological Association 7th edition under the Bibliography heading before you search for your article! Don't forget to double check the Zoterobib citation to be sure it is correct.