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How to Import References Into Mendeley

AccessMedicine: Access

AccessMedicine: Manual Export Method

In AccessMedicine:
  1. Do a search on your topic. The results will list chapters relevant to your topic from books in the AccessMedicine collection.
  2. Click the link to an individual book record to display the content.
  3. In the gray information banner, click the "Get Citation" link.
  4. In the "Citation" pane, click "RIS (Zotero)". 
  5. You will be prompted to save a file named something along the lines of "79725193citation.ris", where the number is generally the section ID of the book chapter being displayed.
  6. Save the file to your computer's desktop or download folder so you can find it again.
In Mendeley:
  1. Login to Mendeley if you are not already.
  2. In your Mendeley library, click the "Add" button. Select "Import RIS (.ris)".
  3. Browse your computer for the "delivery.ris" file that you saved from EBSCOhost.
  4. Highlight and "Open" it to import the references into your Mendeley library.

AccessMedicine: Review the Results

Citation quality from importing RIS files from AccessMedicine is quite good. It is always a good idea to review the citation before leaving the database. For example, if your preferred citation style requires chapter numbers when they are provided, you may have to manually enter that information.

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